Grad School 101: The Clearance

I’ll start blogging about the end of my Grad School life here in UPLB. I just finished my Masters degree last July. And yes, I’m only going through the process of getting cleared from the University (as a grad student) just now.

I got accepted in November of 2009, exactly six years ago. My grad school life spanned three Chancellors and consequently three processes in enrollment, clearance, etc. They do tend to change processes a lot, to my chagrin. I can never memorize what I’d have to do next, where I’d have to go to, who needs to sign, etc.

Anyway, I’ll put this here as some sort of informal documentation. Might help others like me – those who could never get the step-by-step processes right.

How to get University clearance (for UPLB Grad Students):

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