ThreeThings: February 8-14

1. Start of Feb Fair – Our organization (UPLB-SVCF) has been setting up the zipline booth since 2003 (if I’m not mistaken) and this is the first time that we’ve set up and started operations without the ‘oldies’ since they have various work to attend to in various parts of the Philippines (Davao and Albay). So the task was put on the younger ones and I thank God that He has enabled them to really step up and strengthened them for the whole week of operating the zipline 🙂

2. Love learnings. Suffice it to say, I’ve realized how selfish I still am and how this human nature is one of the reasons why relationships fail. I thank God for giving me a patient, loving, and forgiving man. I also thank Him for making me realize what it really means to love – it is to give and to forgive the other and to forgive myself as well.

3. On replay: For King and Country’s Fix My Eyes. The lyrics of this song is worth meditating.